My art deals with the modern man and his relationships with himself and his fellow human beings through the prism of society and its barriers. It is about people struggling with themselves in order to find their inner self and as an extension of that, fighting with their fellow human beings in order to find them. A constant questioning and a constant revelation.
I am interested, in human relationships, in how the body and mind react to another body and another mind. The way we dress to adapt and how much we change to be likeable. What kind of transformations do we do, where and when.
A stomach that eats constantly opens continuously until it overstretches. An overstretched stomach that can accept more and more easily is dangerous. We get used to the good and we do not appreciate it, we get used to the bad and it does not make us aware. We become unable to bond emotionally with situations that exist in our daily routine and in our lives. As a result, we become indifferent in the face of love and death.
I search for faces and find shapes. I try to interpret the shapes and I thinking that I am talking to others threw it.
"But all I can do, all I owe, is to talk to the other." (Em. Levinas)